yaslin & brandon

live, laugh, and love in all conditions

vaughan, ontario

One of the things that I find often goes unnoticed is the amount of learning that photographers go through, from workshops, to YouTube tutorials to contacting friends and saying "Hey I really want to try something new can you pose for me and I'll reward you with coffee and photos?"

Well, at least that's how I get some of my friends in front of my camera.

In late 2020, I invested in myself. I messaged one of my favourite photographers and got to spend some time with her, chatting about everything from business, to posing, to clients, to life. And safe to say, I have been motivated to keep going, despite how much the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted my business and drive.

We got to photograph this gorgeous couple, and we found a location that took my breath away (quite literally at times - there were a LOT of hills and walking), and took a bunch of photos that had me giddy in my seat when I got home. And one of the things I learned about myself is how fast I end up taking photos and never take a moment to breathe, to look around and see if something else is appealing, or if another angle could work better.

But let's talk about Yas and Brandon, because honestly their love and the way they look at each other made my heart super warm. Just upon meeting them, spending about ten minutes with them walking to our location, I could tell that they enjoyed each other's company. They were never afraid to try something new, never afraid to go outside of their comfort zone for a shot. And well, it's safe to say they would have jumped into water if we asked them to - they were yes people.

The laughter we shared shows just how important it is to just be comfortable with your photographer, to become their friend. Because those are the photos you'll cherish forever.

I'm so thankful for friends who support me and invest their time and energy into me and my work, and I can't wait to see what happens next!

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